Re: [compost_tea] same recipe

From: Anthony Quinlan <>
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2004 11:07:12 +0800

Alright a few answers

For example, it seems like you have a drop in DO within the same range for =
all tests then a return to higher levels.

What did you do (or nothing) to cause the change?
nothing that I know of, but I am similarly curiuos as to why DO ends up hig=
her at the end, as if it is supersaturated
  What caused the return to higher levels?
you tell me
  Was the air constant?
 Was it exactly the same compost in the same amounts?
pretty much, may vary by 100g here or there
  How much water?
2000L, may vary 50L here or there
  How long was the brew cycle?
24hrs, may vary by 2 hrs
  What was the temp of each test?
start temp of at least 25 dC, the meter logs temp&time as well but I dont h=
ave an adaptor to download it yet, soon maybe
  Did you use dechlorinated water or well water or ???
dam water, damn nice!
Did any part of what you did change from test to test that you may have tho=
ught inconsequential?
For example: Did you add your inputs in the same order each and every time=
 or did you add them all at once then put in the compost or did you put the=
 compost in first then add the nutrients?
compost first then nutrients in same order, but I sometimes get way more fo=
aming after kelp is added, for what reason I dont know. Sometimes the compo=
st will be on its own for a bit longer, maybe 30min before nurients are add=
ed. Another variable which is probably the big one is I may leave the chamb=
er holding the compost in for a bit longer. I have done some brews without =
a bag as I had similar thoughts about free compost, but just a messy nightm=
are job to strain then get frustrated spraying it. It has to be fun!
Did you aerate the water before putting in inputs and was it the same each =
yes and no.
Did you put in the compost first or after you had let the inputs dilute in =
the brewer water?
 What kind of DO meter?
Windaus Winlab
 Did you calibrate it after each test or use the same calibration for all t=
I probably rely on the meter too much. I turn it on wait for it to beep the=
n press calibrate then log. Havent had any dramas with it yet
 I say this because mine has to be calibrated quite often or the results ar=
e unreliable.
What was the time for each test and/or did you brew at exactly the same tim=
e each day?
usually started at hte same time give or take an hour
 I say this because it seems there is a correlation between tides and cellu=
lar growth.
what the moon? yeah i'd believe that. Interesting Ted, these 5 brews were w=
ithin 20 days of each other
  Even if you do the same things on subsequent days and each thing takes th=
ree days, you are fifteen days apart from the first thing to the last and t=
his can skew results enough to account for the differences shown in the gra=
Of course, if you brewed them all at the same time the changes would be les=
s significant.
 I am also a little confused by the timing on the bottom.
Do you mean that each mark is 5 min so that a reading at 8 is actually 40 m=
that is correct

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Ted Peterson
  Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 9:20 AM
  Subject: Re: [compost_tea] same recipe


  Thank you for doing the work and posting this chart. However, I don't ha=
ve enough information about this chart to make heads or tails of it. Could=
 you provide an explanation? Without one, I am hoplessly lost. I'm sure it=
 gives knowledgable people a lot of information but I am at a loss except f=
or the fact that a change of some degree took place within a general time s=

  For example, it seems like you have a drop in DO within the same range fo=
r all tests then a return to higher levels. What did you do (or nothing) t=
o cause the change? What caused the return to higher levels? Was the air =
constant? Was it exactly the same compost in the same amounts? How much w=
ater? How long was the brew cycle? What was the temp of each test? Did y=
ou use dechlorinated water or well water or ??? Did any part of what you d=
id change from test to test that you may have thought inconsequential? For=
 example: Did you add your inputs in the same order each and every time or=
 did you add them all at once then put in the compost or did you put the co=
mpost in first then add the nutrients? Did you aerate the water before put=
ting in inputs and was it the same each time? Did you put in the compost fi=
rst or after you had let the inputs dilute in the brewer water? What kind =
of DO meter? Did you calibrate it after each test or use the same calibrat=
ion for all tests? I say this because mine has to be calibrated quite ofte=
n or the results are unreliable. What was the time for each test and/or di=
d you brew at exactly the same time each day? I say this because it seems =
there is a correlation between tides and cellular growth. Even if you do t=
he same things on subsequent days and each thing takes three days, you are =
fifteen days apart from the first thing to the last and this can skew resul=
ts enough to account for the differences shown in the graphs. Of course, i=
f you brewed them all at the same time the changes would be less significan=
t. I am also a little confused by the timing on the bottom. Do you mean t=
hat each mark is 5 min so that a reading at 8 is actually 40 min.?

  Thank you,

  Ted Peterson
  Earth-Wise/Spirit of the Earth
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Anthony Quinlan
    Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 5:30 AM
    Subject: [compost_tea] same recipe

    Just to lighten things up a little bit! :)

    Attached are some plots of the same recipe DO curves.

    Now what happened to the yellow one and is there anything wrong with th=
at is drops a bit for a bit?

    And what about some differentials on the rate of change of the bacteria=
l bloomage sections, seeing that we are back to school :)


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