Re: [compost_tea] Re: CT on NOSB Agenda!

From: <>
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2004 16:12:59 EST

Hi Bob -

Compost regs have been accepted by the NOP, so that definition is clearly in
place. The people pushing the scare tactics in making compost tea failed to
scare everyone when they were making the regs for compost, so they are trying
to pull this scare tactics again when we are dealing with compost tea.

so, the regs are there with compost, we have to get over the fear factor with
compsot tea too, and that's where the fight is.

President, Soil Foodweb Inc.
SFI Oregon, USA
SFI Australia
SFI New York
SFI Europe
SFI New Zealand

"Hope is not a feeling. It is not the belief that things will turn out well,
but the conviction that what we are doing makes sense, no matter how things
turn out." -- Vaclav Havel, former President of the Czech Republic

Received on Mon Mar 01 2004 - 23:48:54 EST

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