Re: [compost_tea] Re: Water Quality

From: Ted Peterson <>
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2004 12:22:21 -0700


      I work a lot with the Wastwater industry and they commonly refer to T=
DS for salts not solids. It seems that the two mean the same thing and I g=
uess it's just a semantical problem. Every citation I can find on the net =
for TDS talks about measuring salts from whatever source. The lab I use fo=
r testing is A & L in Fresno, CA. I asked them about a year ago what TDS =
meant and they said Total Dissolved Salts however, the book they sell to in=
terpret their reports lists TDS as both solids and salts and the index list=
s the same page. So, I'm not as wrong as I thought. That's kind of a reli=

      You know it is funny because Elaine says the biology will take care o=
f the salts. However I have tests that show that ACT worked as it should, =
the plants are healthier and root systems extended yet the salts are higher=
 in the soil tests.

      Anyway, below is one citation and following your message is another.

      Ted Peterson
      Earth-Wise/Spirit of the Earth
      Dissolved Salts Meters
      High levels of soluble salts in the soil can be caused by excessive f=
ertilization, insufficient watering, poor drainage, or by some contributing=
 salt water intrusion. High concentrations of soluble salts can inhibit pla=
nt growth and will reduce overall crop yields. Greenhouse plants and other =
sensitive crops may be damaged if soluble salts exceed 2000 ppm.
      Soluble Salts, or Total Dissolved Salts, are measured by means of a C=
onductivity Meter. A conductivity reading measures the capacity of a soluti=
on to conduct an electric current and is directly related to the total ioni=
c concentration of dissolved substances in the solution. Thus, the conducti=
vity reading of a soil extract can be converted into a reading of Total Dis=
solved Salts to indicate combined levels of sulfates, chlorides and other s=
alts in the soil. Extract is prepared using distilled water, not included w=
ith meters.

     Digital TDS Meter
     Waterproof TDS PockeTester 1

----- Original Message -----
  From: John Cowan
  Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2004 10:36 AM
  Subject: RE: [compost_tea] Re: Water Quality


  TDS does stand for total dissolved solids


  Also See below. . .
  Total Dissolved Solids

  General Information:

  Measures the amount of salt dissolved in the water. Salts are chemical io=
nic compounds. Salts affect the survival chances of marine life through con=
trolling osmotic pressure. If a water body has a high level of salt, aquati=
c pants and animals that are not adapted to high levels of salt will not be=
 able to retain water.

  Different species require different levels of different salts. Some need =
low levels, while low levels of other salts can be inhibiting to other spec=

  Generally a high flow will lead to lower TDS readings, while a slow flow =
has the opposite effect.

  Sources of pollutant?

  Dissolved solids occur in:

    a.. ground water seepage
    b.. industrial and sewage discharge
    c.. Urban, industrial and agricultural runoff
  Test Method:

      1.. Submerge the twin probes of the meter in sample
      2.. Record the result as displayed on the LED display in mg/L.
  Results interpretation:

  Adverse biological effects can be expected in Australia if the result is =
above 1000 mg/L. The desirable limit for humans is 500 mg/L. (ANZECC, 1992)

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Received on Sun Apr 11 2004 - 23:15:05 EDT

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