[compost_tea] CTTF Report - Tests & Comments

From: Kirk Leonard <kirk_at_oregonatural.com>
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 14:05:35 -0700
Dennis, you said:
> Testing for E. coli and enterococci may be quick and dirty...[clip]...  I
don't think it'll EVER come up negative. You can test 'til after the cows
come home! <
"Negative" is not what's called for here - "ND" or "non detect" is
excellent.  I
don't know enterococci test costs, but E.coli is US$15-30 at several labs I
know about, so it must be a relatively easy test.  I believe Doc E offers
3-hour turnaround (Corvallis, anyway).  Can anyone speak to
enterococci tests?

For a long time it seemed like NOP was insisting on ZERO pathogens in tea,
so allowed maximums are good news, I think.  -- "These indicators and
the passing criteria are Escherichia coli (126 CFU/100ml) or enterococci (33

AND, as I copy this from the report, I realize it says one OR the other,
not both, so apparently one test done twice will do the job.  Not a big
deal, and decent compost, a decent tea machine, and decent nutrient
management should pass - "good" in these should pass with flying colors.

And Steve, thanks for the pointer on the pointer (duh me) but that's not the
original 4/02 NOSB CTF recommendation... it's an NOP re-write, as far as
I've been able to tell.  The original is 5 pages and did not say compost tea
was "not eligible to satisfy" soil fertility requirements (205.203).  That
was a USDA-edited conclusion.  The original was supportive of tea, with
restrictions (and had more stringent, inappropriate test standards, too,

And "pathogen-free" is neither realistic nor required here, thank goodness.
We should clear our language of that expression - "pathogen minimums
managed" or some such is more appropriate.  They're out there, naturally,
and we can manage them with good care and biology, eh?

What are the protocols and addresses for commenting on CTTF Report?  I
really think we should send some constructive comments before the NOSB
meeting 4/28-30.  If you're in or near Chicago you might want to take it in,
tell us about it.

Two email addresses I do have are Owusu Bandele, obandele_at_subr.edu and
Richard Matthews, NOP Program Manager, Richard.Mathews_at_usda.gov.  Bandele is
chair of the NOSB Crops Committee, under which the CTTF operated, and is a
supporter of compost tea, I believe, so be nice to him.  Not sure about
Mathews today (he came to NOSB 10/02 "to say no to compost tea" but
subsequently did a Doc E seminar...so?), but it never hurts to be polite.
Don't have Mark King's (NOSB chair now?) address or any info on his attitude
about tea.  (Former chair seemed negative 10/02.)  NOSB seems generally
supportive, as do most CTTF members.

I'm not finished taking this report in but the test piece does not appear
problematic.  And if you can drink compost tea (I have, no problems - and it
was bad tea, turns out:-) I still don't see why you can't use good tea on

What other things (besides Millner/USDA "sturm & drang") are bugging you
guys?  Which absurtions need to be repuked?  (Absurd assertions needing
rebutted, that is.:)

-- Kirk

Some thoughts on comments: Be brief, clear, courteous and specific (if you
have a lot to say, break it up and have friends send other pieces, maybe).
Reflect your own experience and data, and don't send lots of messages -
quality is much better than quantity.  Include your name, address and phone

If you send to Mathews, copy your US congressperson.  If you
support the report as is, saying so is also valuable.  If you have
criticisms, make sure your support of compost tea still comes through (don't
get lost in the weeds).

We have an opportunity to stand up here, folks, and we should do that.  This
is just a first hoop, though.  Getting through subsequent USDA/NOP hoops
likely require more effort - the US Secretary of Agriculture has to sign up!
We may need to pierce a veil or two more on this road. US Congress
pressure may be needed.

Last time we did this, successfully in 2002 I believe, folks shared some
comments.  If you send comments you're happy about, please post them for
others to hear.

Finally, I have to say Doc E did a remarkable job bringing this result
around.  Her imprint is clearly visible.  Thanks Doc!  When is that Applied
Ecology publication happening???

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Received on Wed Apr 21 2004 - 19:41:45 EDT

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