[compost_tea] Re: compost tea additives and NOSB (was CTTF Report)

From: Henry Karczynski <vanilla_at_racsa.co.cr>
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 18:59:00 -0500
Dear group,

According to the NOP and USDA the following  is acceptable for organic cultural practices; compost heated to 131 degrees for at least 3 days (which is suppose to eliminate the pathogens), water, earthworm castings properly digested for the required length of time depending on if  setup  indoors or outdoors, molasses, kelp, fish proteins, humic/fulvic acids, rock powders individually or in any permutation as a blend.  But according to the NOSB I can not use them together for aerobic brewed compost tea purposes because I will produce pathogens.   Am I missing something?
I agree with other comments regarding anything increasing the expenses and the time involved for testing the teas is a negative incentive and the opposite of what is going on in the rest of the world where farmers are provided with fiscal and economic incentives for producing healthier food, soil and plants!

Henry Karczynski
Costa Rica

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Received on Wed Apr 21 2004 - 23:14:41 EDT

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