[compost_tea] CTTF recommendation #5

From: dkemnitz2000 <dkemnitz2000_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2004 00:48:14 -0000
Indicates testing for E.coli OR enterococci is sufficient provided
the batch meets spec given.Gotta use accepted methodology (APHA-AWWA-
WEF,1999) so need to find one of these books and get some tubes and
media.  Probably an incubator or two, maybe a water bath and a
calibtated thermometer too. Oh and an environmentally controlled
lab.And whatever else needed to certify. Like probably get on the
money.                                                    Dennis
PS Actually forget the money and thanks but all that BS above is
boring .  I already have one low paying lab job so I don't need
another. All I wanted to do was grow (and of course sell) certified
organic produce. When I discovered ACT at this sight I thought it was
going to make things easier and perhaps even profitable.  Now I see
it as merely another hurdle at best for organic food production.

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Received on Thu Apr 22 2004 - 23:05:50 EDT

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