[compost_tea] Re: Re: CTTF Report - Tests

From: Kirk Leonard <kirk_at_oregonatural.com>
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2004 13:04:13 -0700
Ya, Eric, your interpretation #2 is what I think applies in the instance of
activating compost for tea.

> 2) it will be considered a "compost
> tea additive" requiring further testing or your process/recipe. <

I don't know about "further testing" - I think all of the "additives" used
in a batch - both compost activators and tea nutrients (and adjuvants? - I'm
not clear on whether adjuvants require testing... seems like they might not
on reflection) are covered in each test, and I still think NOT using all
additives in prior tests should trigger new tests.  Does that make sense?
IOW - if you test with 8 additives, you should not have to re-test if you
only use three of them in a batch.

BUT... CTTF hasn't made this parsing (and I don't think I want NOSB or NOP
to do it either), and it does not make any sense to me that compost +
nutrients should be distinguished from activated compost + same nutrients,
since activation is normally (if not always?) used to bring up fungal
component, which is not a concern, per the report... only bacterial.

So my take is if you've tested with activated compost you should not have to
retest using un-activated material ... from same compost batch... I know...
One of my comments will be about TOO many tests being a distinct


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Received on Mon Apr 26 2004 - 16:35:39 EDT

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