Re: [compost_tea] Eucalyptus mulch

From: Ted Peterson <>
Date: Sat, 1 May 2004 23:13:38 -0700

  ----- Original Message -----
  Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 4:22 AM
  Subject: Re: [compost_tea] Eucalyptus mulch

  Ted -

  Why do you insist on flaming other people?

  In your statement about eucalyptus decomposition, which I copy below, you=
 basically say everyone else in the world is wrong, only you know the answe=

Point well taken. I have successfully composted Euc. I didn't mean anythi=
ng as a put down. However, I have come up with a process that renders Euc =
quite usable and I may be the only person in the world who knows it because=
 everyone else thinks it can't be done or can only be done a specific way. =
 I don't want to challenge anything you write about Euc or anything else yo=
u write but your statements about the use of Euc are not correct from my ex=
perience. Yes you are right about the chemical compounds and yes you are r=
ight about breaking the examination of what is to be composted down to the =
point where it appears that what I am writing is wrong. However, I have fou=
nd something that appears to work where everyone I have talked with or writ=
ten to feels is impossible. So I will leave it at that.

Since you have no idea, other than the traditional methods of dealing with =
the oils, what I have done -- and I have done traditional Euc composting as=
 has my ex-associate quite successfully, I would suggest that you do not ne=
ed to be so defensive if I disagree with you about this. And I do disagree=
 with you.

As to testing, I have done testing and am in the process of developing proc=
edures I can license to other people. I have copyrighted everything that I=
 can successfully copyright but I will not give anyone any information with=
out a nondisclosure and I don't have one from anyone on this list with one =

If you are interested in examining the process and are willing to sign a no=
ndisclosure, I will send you data. Then you can run the procedure and test=
 for yourself and I can be assured that what I have keeps it's value if you=
 find it can be repeated and works as I have.

The post was not meant as a flame and I apologize if anyone was offended. =
I simply meant to state that Euc can be used. Yes, I know about grinding a=
nd chipping and all the forms that plants can take when processed mechanica=
lly but didn't go into any of that because it wasn't necessary.

I share a lot on this list. I do so with good intentions. I correct my mi=
sstatements and move forward. I am willing to help others find short cuts a=
nd try new things. Also, when I write sarcastically it is just that. If y=
ou think that I write that a C'N ratio is 1000:1 and have verified that you=
 don't understand rhetoric. When I write something that foolish I mean tha=
t the C:N ratio is really high.

Now, about biosolids. . . I have done a lot of testing and work with biosol=
ids. I have had to learn a lot and I see a lot of misstatements presented =
as fact yet I never mention these things. However when it comes 99% of this=
 stuff, I bow to your expertise. You know far more about this whole mess t=
han I do. I just happen to think really differently about problems people =
tell me can't be solved. It has been a goal of mine in this business to fi=
nd something everyone consideres useless and make it useful. That means ov=
ercoming a lot if misconceptions and thinking that is based in "common know=
ledge" and lore. That is never easy. If I can get people thinking about u=
sing Euc or other materials that are now considered useless, that's great. =
 It's great for them and great for everyone else in the long run.

Ted Peterson

Received on Sun May 02 2004 - 03:43:33 EDT

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