[compost_tea] Re: RE: Application rate

From: Bill Pleasants <Bill_Pleasants_at_aaahawk.com>
Date: Sun, 2 May 2004 14:46:49 -0400

I don't have documented evidence of the theory that microbes make "unavaila=
ble" minerals "available." The man who farms this land tells me that he ha=
s applied carbon powder and NutriPak, which contains microbes, and reduced =
salt fertilizer by half without reducing yield.
In http://www.kronia.com/thoth/thoVI-06.txt
some documentation is provided for transmutation, for example that carbon a=
nd silicon in soil can be changed to calcium if streptamyces? are present.

----- Original Message -----
   Date: Sat, 1 May 2004 21:20:40 +0800
   From: "Mike Harvey" <mharvey_at_westnet.com.au>
Subject: Re: RE: Application rate

You wrote "..........to reduce the need for mineral amendments............"
I am not aware of any documented evidence for this statement or advice give=
n. Where does this come from? My experience has been that mineral balancing=
 is critical to ensuring the success of a biological program and should not=
 be compromised if a successful outcome is desired.
If there is some evidence for this reduced need for minerals can you share =

Regards Mike Harvey New Life Soils.
"God is the basis of life, life is the basis of energy,
energy is the basis of matter." Carey Reams

Received on Sun May 02 2004 - 15:32:25 EDT

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