Re: [compost_tea] pre - activation shelf life

From: <>
Date: Fri, 07 May 2004 00:02:00 -0400
Hi Mike -

Sure was great to be in SA!  I enjoyed meeting you, albeit, we didn't have much time to talk!  How's the compost tea machine?

I was really pleased at how peacefully the elections went in SA.  The people I spoke with seemed to feel that things went as expected.  I happened to leave Johannesburg the night before the inaguration of the new government, and the line-up of international heads-of-state was pretty impressive.  jsut glad I was going in the direction opposite than what they were going!  Security was tight!

you asked -
Has any one done any trials on the " shelf life " of pre acv. compost?

I'm not certain what you mean by pre. acv. compost.  As with all things, there is a certain time that compost is most active, and that falls off as the organisms use up the foods.  With compost, that is about a 2 year time period after the compost "finishes".

If you pre-activate (was that what you asked), activation lasts for as long as the foods you add are being used by the organisms. 

Do paper or plastic containers make a difference?

Paper usually can breath on it's own, while plastic cannot.  Aeration is easier in paper, but then you have moisture issues.  Plastic retains moisture better - which can be a problem if things are too moist. 

Does any commercial service offer pre-act compost that arrives ready to go?

Simpli-tea offers pre-activated compost, but if it ships a long distance, then it has to be sent in breathable containers.  Nature Technology offers breathable containers for their compost, which they send pre-activated, I believe.

There has been much talk on pre - acv composts on the list ,but i dont recall these points being raised.

Pre-activation is probably best done when you know you are going to use that compost.  Otherwise, your critters may be out of food before you use the compost!

Hope this helps!

Elaine Ingham
President, Soil Foodweb Inc.
SFI Corvallis, OR
SFI Port Jefferson, NY
SFI Lismore, NSW, Australia
SFI Hilversum, The Netherlands
SFI Cambridge, New Zealand
SFI Culiacan, Mexico
SFI Jerome, Idaho

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