[compost_tea] Off Topic Comfrey

From: Mike Benton <compost_at_mweb.co.za>
Date: Tue, 18 May 2004 06:40:43 +0200
Hi Betsy
You will find that by far the best way to grow comfrey is by root
cutting,Take a piece about half the length of your thumb and stick it just
under the surface of the soil and it should take.Be careful on the variety
,some have nutrient levels that are lower and yeilds that are really not
worth the hassle.Lawerence D Hills is the guy to read.He devoted his life to
comfrey.Very interest story but I will stop now before I get shouted at for
wasting too much space....
If you need more drop a line off the list.

Mike Benton
Compost Technologies
mike_at_composttea.co.za      mobile 0823345371

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Received on Tue May 18 2004 - 10:50:51 EDT

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