RE: [compost_tea] Brewer types,fish oil and DE

From: Judi Stewart <>
Date: Thu, 20 May 2004 15:17:59 -0700
Mike, can you tell me where you found the paramagnetic rock dust
and how much are you using and in what amount of water?  I
image the DE could be substituted for the rock dust or better
yet blended.

In the past I mixed DE 50/50 with sand and put it in boxes in
the chicken yard for the hens to dust bathe.  Also mixed some DE
in with their food.

Would I be correct if I said you are using about 2.5 gallons of liquid
humic acid to 100 gallons of water?



-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Harvey []
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 7:36 AM
Subject: Fw: [compost_tea] Brewer types,fish oil and DE

I have re posted this message as it apears the test results got jumbled
This should present the results in a readable form.

Mike Benton,
I have taken a while to reply to your post as I had sent a sample in to SFI
Lismore Aus that had a bearing on this topic.
I use the rubber disc type diffusers in my machines and they create a
size bubble of high oxygen transfer rate.
I have used fish emulsion regularly as a way of feeding fungi and
the foam down The oil content seems to be the important part (for
I have found it difficult to source high oil content fish hydrolysate.
So I
have been using cod liver oil, however it goes straight into emulsion
so is
no good to keep the foam down however it does feed fungi incredibly
There is a guy in Eastern Australia who passed this info on to me - he
he had done lots of testing with it and it gave consistent results. I
believe he lurks on this site so if you are still there thanks for the
I have trialed using sunflower oil as an oil to keep the foam down and
works ok (you need a fair bit though). Canola oil is fungicidal so it
not be a good idea to use it (it is in most vegetable oils). Does
know if sunflower oil has any fungicidal effects?? The oil does float
top so it does not come into contact with all of the tea. The following test
results I got today and the recipe has 0.1% cod liver oil as well as 6% molasses, paramagnetic rock dust, 2.5% humic acid by weight, sunfower
(to keep foam down) and other material. (You need massive aeration to
this aerobic).
It took 3 days to get to the lab so the numbers direct out of the tank
have been better.
This material was used as a soil drench and inoculant on strawberries.
By the way what is DE?
Regards Mike Harvey New Life Soils

NLS-Soil food test results 20/04/05
Active bacteria      40.3 (µg/mL) in the range Total bacterial biomass  110,080(µg/mL)Excellent.
Active fungal Biomass      239 (µg/mL)Excellent.=
Total fungal Biomass      382 (µg/mL)Excellent.<= BR> Fungal hyphae diameter      3.5 Disease suppressiv= e fungi were


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Received on Thu May 20 2004 - 22:31:25 EDT

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