RE: [compost_tea] comfrey

From: Mike Benton <>
Date: Fri, 21 May 2004 09:13:39 +0200

Greetings all
It seems that comfrey has had a similar treatment to ACT in that its
detracters will make a study to show that it is harmful.The late Mr Hills
spent a whole chapter in his book where he showed that this was not
true,unless one really used the wrong cultivar and then inceased the ratio
of comfrey in the ration fed to animals ,or humans.
All of which becomes immaterial if one is using comfrey in the compost heap
as a improver.The B vitamin has been suggested as beneficial for soil use
,well comfrey is the best and only source of plant B 12 .
If one stopped using all the things with bad press from the FDA then there
wont be much left....How many have stopped using ACT because of what the
USDA and NOP have said?
Mike Benton
Compost Technologies mobile 0823345371

Received on Fri May 21 2004 - 04:42:55 EDT

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