[compost_tea] opinion & for Sale

From: T Dodge <tdodge_at_spiritone.com>
Date: 23 May 2004 20:46:36 -0700

Greetings to whom ever reads this

I have been trying until recently to use two different back pack
sprayers. Both Solo, one with a piston pump the other with a diaphragm
pump. The piston in general performed O.K. most of the time with
occasional blockages from larger particulate matter with bacterial
teas. The diaphragm was purchased for fungal tea application after
checking out a couple of alternatives. It was a mistake. I believed
their (Solo USA) web site about maintenance, I read into their
statement about a screen at the bottom of the "air dome" being
accessible to clean. It is not very accessible and you cannot remove
their air dome, it (screen) plugs very easily, that is a problem with
the AACT I have been brewing.

I will be happy to sell these to anyone who could use them for
fertilizer or if they are still fence sitting "gasp"
chemical/hydroponic gardening these are very much in use in
conventional ag. and parts are available readily. I have a extension
for the "lance/wand".

Anyone on the list in the Metro Portland Oregon area?

I bought a Classic Sprayer CP15 (Cooper-Pegler). This has one filter in
the handle so it is very accessible and it can be cut out if necessary
according to the local dealer with no ill effect on the sprayer. The
dealer however had not heard of AACT and was unaware of the particulate
size we may be dealing with. I imagine that the nozzle head may clog
only time will tell as I have not yet had to cut out the handle filter,
I have field rinsed (handle filter) after applying about 8 gallons (US
gal., I have a 4 gal. US/15 liter hence the CP 15) and getting
suspicious about the handle filters filtering capacity. They the
company also sell several lance/want extensions like Solo does but they
appear to be some what stiffer than the Solo one I had purchased for my
use. The unit is fabricated in Denmark and sells for about $130.00 (US
Dollars) in Oregon.

I advertised on sunday. By the way "Gardener's Gold Compost Tea Kit"
from "Gardens Alive" has not responded to my e-mails about their "kit".
I do get offers from them so they do value my input.

Terence Dodge
Soil Husbandman
Certified Soil Food Web Advisor

Received on Mon May 24 2004 - 04:05:25 EDT

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