Re: [compost_tea] Re NOP Update

From: Robert Norsen <>
Date: Mon, 24 May 2004 21:47:57 -0700 (PDT)

No, Kirk, I agree. Giving up is not an option. It is hard for me to communicate with government. You seem to know how. Having the names, addresses, e mail addresses, some ideas that, as individuals, we could, by driving a FEW but critical ideas, get the key issues approved. Do you or others have ideas of how we can wage an organize thrust where it will do the most good? Bob

Kirk Leonard <> wrote:Credits and links for the story yesterday. It's available at:

Column is "Organic: Friend or Faux?

Original story was published by Grist Magazine and it's available there,
too, as:

"Organics Program Weakened Under Bush Administration Changes, Activists Say"
by Amanda Griscom

18 May 2004


Always like credits/links, had to track down. It's the best summary of
current issues at NOP that I've seen (apart from GE fiasco ongoing). Gotta
get compost tea moved up the queue...

And Bob, I'm quite familiar with government and political trickery, having
worked with several federal urban programs in the 70's, more state and city
stuff through the 90's, and studied some of the history. A lot of it works,
too, but this NOP stuff is among the most warped I've ever encountered.

OFPA framers would not recognize NOP today, and USDA has gone goofy - how is
it APHIS is "regulating" GE crops and NOP bans them? And how was it
determined compost tea is raw manure?

So what are you saying? Should we quit? Give up on democratic government?
Wait for Gaia to show up and be elected? (...sorry, that's not an elective
position..:) Give up on USNOP-supported compost teas?

NOP is going to take years, through several administrations, to get closer
to right, I'm sure. At this point, I just want to do everything I can to
make sure compost teas get in the tent. Key words for me in the story
yesterday were "Public Shut Out!" I want to make sure we know that risk is
there and not let ourselves or compost tea be shut out by not speaking up.
With NOSB acceptance of the CTTF report, there are several opportunities we
should welcome.

A "political" comment: I think the biggest abusers of power today are the
mega-corporations who appear to be pulling the strings at USDA, too, and
Congress and most of the rest of the US gov today, unfortunately.
Governments in my experience do necessary things, mostly well, and good
things, too, along with some foolish crap. Our gov can still be influenced
by "us" unless we are silent (or as in the current admin, have no idea
what's happening or no opportunity to speak...). USDA's foolish crap on
compost tea needs to be addressed.

I also believe WE - "us" here on CT list, by communicating with NOSB and
NOP - made a difference at NOSB in Oct 2002, when NOP people were prepared
ban compost tea! After what seems like a diving catch we're back on a
better track now
and need to drive it home, hmm? In my experience compost tea is absolutely
organically sound, and NOP's lack of support is outrageous and
un-substantiated. 99% of the dangers they pose are in their imagination.

Under USNOP today not only is there really no such thing as compost tea,
there's also no such thing as vermicompost! How silly is this situation?
Actually seems really stupid, which I'd hoped not to suggest today but there
you have it... Compost teas are among the most solid, historic, safe and
beneficial organic practices, and ACT is even more promising. USDA
manureheads need to be pushed off this craw, however.


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