[compost_tea] Re: NOP pr....

From: Steve Diver <steved_at_ncat.org>
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 2004 04:20:43 -0000
Kirk -

There are three items I have feedback on.

--- In compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com, "Kirk Leonard" <kirk@o...> wrote:


>> You should be happy that American Phytopathological
>> Society is dedicating portions of its meeting on
>> sustainable agriculture, including compost teas. <

> Indeed, I am, but based on USDA's track record on tea, I have been
led to
> expect the worst.  We'll see.  I hope there will be more than "anecdotal
> science" reported.  I hope it will support compost tea progress and NOP
> adoption, but I have doubts about that.  Gotta agree with John Cowan's
> comment, too -- why, in what appears to be a first USDA-supported
> including compost tea, are we hearing about it in a "phytopathogical"
> context?

You seem to think the APS meetings is sponsored by USDA.

There is no connection. 

Phytopathology is about plant disease control.

That's what the conference is about. 


>> Dr. Steve Scheuerell published the most significant
>> literature review on compost teas in a scientific
>> journal.  He helped the CTTF achieve its goals, and
>> I'm sure he will do further compost tea research. <

> And I appreciate that, but he's also been willing to stand up and
> Duffy's sealed flasks were a valid compost tea experiment. 

It sounds like you are projecting your notions and
supposed ideas of what somebody else is saying. 

I suggest that you contact Steve Scheuerell first-hand
and explore what he has underway with compost teas. 


>> I volunteered, completely ad-hoc, plenty of helpful
>> insight on the CTTF to this list. <

> Believe I have as well and would appreciate your feedback on my proposed
> test protocol re-structuring.  Several of us had a pretty good chat
here on
> list (and off) about that and it really helped my thinking, and I do
> my comment to NOSB/NOP was both constructive and civil as a result.  My
> congresswoman's staff thanked me for it, too.

Yes, your letter was polite and it had some
practical and relevant ideas for testing the

That's all,

Steve Diver

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Received on Sun Jun 13 2004 - 11:18:57 EDT

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