[compost_tea] Comment to Dave WAS:Re: USNOP non-example?

From: dkemnitz2000 <dkemnitz2000_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 00:16:00 -0000
--FYI Dave, I don't see equations.  Actually I see and feel
legislation. Just my opinion. Also FYI, I haven't produced a
truckload of watermelons nor sweet corn yet in 8 years of TRYING.. 
Have had slight success with compost, blackberries, wheat and
barley.  I do sell a little fresh produce at the local farmers
market.  And it's tough getting my family to realize the berries are
quite often eaten w/o washing. They tell me, "It ain't made me
sick!"  Imaging that!!!!! I AM concerned about food safety.  Took
tests on the subject and others related to Quality Control/quality
assurance of food at the local land grant institution in 1973 thru
1977. Not an expert though, actually JUST a wanted-to-be organic
farmer until last year when I discovered all the costs and politics
surrounding certification and farming versus the payout. I haven't
been able to profitably convert this ex-wheat field into a profitable
organic(non-certified) farm. Bottom line: there ain't any money in it
(experimentation) and all I was doing was getting another day older
and spending my evening job's income. Thank you, Dave for your thots
and listening to mine.. Hope I didn't get too far off topic. I think
I indirectly addressed something about "idiots".               Dennis

In compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com, David Anderson <danderson@b...>
> dkemnitz2000 wrote:
> >>not want to take the time to understand the process. Whatever
> >>approve *must* be idiot proof.
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> > XXXXXXXXXXXX Why Dave?  I don't think so. Seems impossible to
me.  It
> > would be just like legislating morality. The jail houses are full
> > they're building them daily.  Impossible!!  Dennis Kemnitz
> Uh, actually what they *did* approve was idiot-proof. If you want
> something more than they are offering, start working on solving the
> "idiot" part of the equation.
> Dave

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Received on Wed Jul 14 2004 - 21:48:21 EDT

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