Re: [compost_tea] Third Year of ACT Comments

From: Robert Norsen <>
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 2004 21:49:51 -0700 (PDT)

You are doing a good job. Bob

dakesian1 <> wrote:Well, I've got 3 years of brewing ACT under my belt now. Results
have been great all along. I still brew with a large aquarium pump
and airstones in a 5 gallon bucket. (I'm a backyard gardener.) I
also still spray with a hose-end sprayer with a de-chlorinating
filter attached to the faucet.

I'm able to get good compost commercially where I live and add
things like, shredded leaves, kelp, greensand, ground malt and
various additives now and then like, forest soil, alfalfa, blood
meal, peanite, bone meal and ground up fruit from the trees.
The "various" additives are used very sparingly and not all the
time. I only do it for variety. Whether that's important, I don't
know. (There are other things I add now and then but you get the

I've been using dehumidifier water for most of my brews figuring it
is pure and devoid of contaminents like chlorine. Do any of you
think the use of dehumidifier water is a good way to go?

Thanks for any comments.

(Btw, we have a township election coming up and my neighbor (running
for re-election) asked me to put one of those cardboard candidate
signs in my lawn. He's a Democrat but I bit the bullet and said ok
because he's a great neighbor and friend. When I pushed the two
metal wires into the ground they went in very deep without much
effort at all. (The ground wasn't very wet either!) I guess the
ACT is really helping!!)

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Received on Tue Aug 03 2004 - 01:23:36 EDT

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