Re: [compost_tea] pasture exp.

From: Robert Norsen <>
Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2004 22:27:02 -0700 (PDT)

Mike, Did you see the report by Betsy Ross, Tx? Impresive report on pasture improvement Bob wrote:Thank you. I'm going to chew on this for a while, try it out, and see what happens, most importantly, what the cows like.

Does anyone suggest (any particular) qualitative or quantitative measurement within each plot, such as weeds and herbs/plot; grass and legume/plot?


Mike Snow
the Mountain School

Hi Mike -

You wrote:
"but am still curious about "fixing" our pastures - Adding CT to "improve" our pastures, What would that look like - just grass and legume?

You would still have the perennials, but would tend to lose the annual weedy species, those things that are early successional plants.

So, no, you would not lose the following, that you asked about:
By improving the soil would we be losing deep rooting annual and perennial herbs (preparing, as I understand it, NE soil to return to forest)

You would tend to lose the blackeyed susan, dandeloin, yarrow, madder, bedstraw, plantain, possibly the parsnip, and gain the more productive grass species, and the more perennial herbs. I don't know what they would be, exactly, in your part of New England. You would need to ask a plant ecologist.

If I missed some thing from earlier this week, please repeat the question. I've been nose-to-grind stone working on the next writing project, and getting ready to head to Australia.

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