Re: [compost_tea] pasture exp.

From: Robert Norsen <>
Date: Fri, 6 Aug 2004 09:23:37 -0700 (PDT)

Bob it was a an Email combined with Elaine's presentaion at the ICTC that I got the info. I hope there is a report on the entire research project. Betsy?
Elaines report briefly- Betsy divided her pasture and her heard. Treated part of her pasture with ACT.
Untreated pasture, beef cattle gained 1/2 lb per month
Treated pasture, Beef cattle gained 3 to 4 lbs per month.
Untreated beef fat showed low CLA
Treated beef fat showed high CLA
CLA is a critical part of beef fat that reduces risk of cancer and helps avoid obesity.
Seems that ACT is important part of raising beef cattle. Seems that application should be on a gigantic scale. In the market how can the shopper know the difference? How can this difference get back to the rancher to make ACT pay? The 2 to 4 lbs gain would help. Grain fed gains are this high but on grain the CLA i very low.
So grass fed is important to the consumer. ACT on grass is important to the rancher. The economics can work only if grass fed is understood and offered consumers. Bob
Bob Thorson <> wrote:
At 10:27 PM -0700 8/4/04, Robert Norsen wrote:
>Mike, Did you see the report by Betsy Ross, Tx? Impresive report on
>pasture improvement Bob


Which report? Where may it be viewed?

Thank you in advance,


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Received on Fri Aug 06 2004 - 13:24:02 EDT

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