[compost_tea] Information gold mine

From: jurval <jurval_at_eidnet.org>
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 2004 21:42:54 -0000
Thank you Steve for digging out that information.   Over the years
I'm finding that information from research done prior to 1952 or so
is once again becoming very valuable as the agriculture industry
begins to question the chemical and fertilizer companies and all the
research that has been paid for by state/province and Federal
government departments.   Our fathers had some different ideas but
when weed sprays and fertilizers came along they could not resist
trying to keep up with the pack.
Information like you have found is fundamental to building an
understanding of how Mother Nature works.   I don't often post so
bear with me for a couple of lines.
We're organic certified and have been for about 10 years.   My second
son grows veggies to help pay his way to University.   Last fall on
Sept. 12 at 6:00pm the temp. was -4 C.  The temperature dropped all
night and in the morning at 9:00am it was still - 8 C.  I count 15
hours were the average temperature was - 7 C.  His winter squash were
frozen pretty much solid except where they laid on the ground. 
Everything in sight was frozen solid.  They were left in the field &
I told him there was absolutely no point in picking.  We had cut
several of them open, spagetti, acorn, kabocha and a few others, all
frozen hard.   He came home on the weekend, about 3 days later, we
picked the squash on the Saturday held it for 2 weeks before starting
to ship it.   We ate one of the Kabocha squash in July over 300 days
after this frozen squash had been picked.

John Day

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Received on Thu Sep 02 2004 - 19:01:43 EDT

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