Re: [compost_tea] Watering With Chlorinated Water

From: L Blair <>
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2004 06:47:58 +1200
Once I grew some broccoli on composted soil.  They did fine until a dry
spell came along, when they all wilted severely.  Tap water was all that was
available, so I watered them with that.  The very next day they were covered
with caterpillers, with much damage to the leaves.
I seem to remember spraying the leaves with salty water.  After that I left
them, and they survived to become the tastiest broccoli I had ever eaten!
(to this day!).
I'n not saying that the Cl created the caterpillers, they must have been
present already but not eating much.  My interpretation at the time was that
the Cl killed soil biology, and that somehow the plant's nutrition had been
compromised making the leaves more suitable for insect fodder.

----- Original Message -----
From: Brian Debasitis <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 1:23 AM
Subject: [compost_tea] Watering With Chlorinated Water

It's clear to see why we can't use chlorinated water to brew compost tea.
Does anyone have any evidence of the effects of regular watering using
chlorinated water? Do I need to recommend filters or rainwater collection to


Brian Debasitis
Sustainable Soil
Woodstock Vermont
(802) 457-6108

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Received on Mon Sep 13 2004 - 16:21:52 EDT

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