[compost_tea] Compost: A review of the composting process, biocontrol mechanisms, & suppression of turfgrass disease

From: Steve Diver <steved_at_ncat.org>
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2004 12:59:22 -0500
This is a worthwhile review paper on:

* the composting process

* chemical and physical aspects of compost

* biological aspects of compost

* compost maturity and evaluation of microbial activity as a measure
  of maturity

* compost and the suppression of plant diseases

* compost and disease suppression

* mechanisms of disease suppression

* notes on compost and the suppression of turfgrass diseases

Steve Diver


Compost: A study of the development process and end-product potential
for suppression of turfgrass disease

World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
Vol. 16 (2): 115-134, March 2000

J.I. Boulter, G.J. Boland, J.T. Trevor
Department of Environmental Biology, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada



The relationships among the chemical, physical and biological aspects
of compost and their role in suppression of turfgrass pathogens are
reviewed. The composting process, mediated by microbial activity, is
affected by physical and chemical characteristics which include
temperature, aeration, moisture content, C:N ratio and pH. In the
absence of parameter restrictions, the microbial community follows
a predictable successional pattern resulting in the re-colonization of
compost with metabolically active mesophilic populations that can be
suppressive towards plant pathogens.

Although mechanisms of suppression are not fully understood, those
postulated include physiochemical and biological characteristics. The
physiochemical characteristics of composts can alter suppressive
properties through direct effects on pathogens and antagonistic
microorganisms, or indirect effects on host systems through the supply
of nutrients, improvement of soil structure, porosity and water retention
capabilities, along with other factors.

Biological characteristics centre on microbial community involvement
in suppressive mechanisms, which can include one or a combination
of competition for nutrients, antibiosis, lytic and other extracellular
enzyme production, parasitism, predation and host-mediated induction
of resistance.

As a result of the potential benefits of compost, there is considerable
interest in determining the capacity for composts to suppress turfgrass
pathogens. Although the exact mechanisms of suppression are largely
unknown, there appear to be several factors that play an integrated role.
The use of composts that successfully suppress turfgrass diseases
will permit a reduction in the use of chemical controls, and slow the
development of fungicide resistance.


Bacteria, biocontrol, biological control, compost, disease, fungi,
microbiology, pathogen, suppression, turf, turfgrass


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