[compost_tea] Capability of sprayers WAS::::Re: Spraying methods - electr...

From: dkemnitz2000 <dkemnitz2000_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 2004 04:55:33 -0000
--- Wow!!! You make it sound so simple.We used tto do something like
that (ratios)on cheese starter however for only Lacto and S.
thermophilus. Why didn't I think of that?  I was afraid I might have
to dilute and plate.<<<<<<<<still grinning,nearly chuckling>>>And
now I'm having difficulty calibrating the fluorometer. Back to it
vitamins, I guess.Dennis

In compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com, soilfoodweb@a... wrote:
> when numbers or biomass increase with time, then you know you have
> organisms, even without the big fancy microscope. 
> Elaine

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Received on Sat Sep 18 2004 - 09:11:10 EDT

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