[compost_tea] Re: Re: Dennis' 24-hour tea

From: Kirk Leonard <kirk_at_oregonatural.com>
Date: Sat, 25 Sep 2004 16:36:41 -0700
I'm not sure about all the creatures Dennis reported but when we looked at
some day-old soul soup "tea" at last ICTC event, purchased the day before,
the only apparently living things in it were a few insect larvae.  There
were virtually no other organisms present.  A little organic matter and a
few dead bodies, maybe.

It stank to high heaven, so something was there, but even 400X couldn't find
it.  Are anaerobes invisible?  Not likely, but as Dennis describes the nasty
residuals it may make sense that there was nothing there, as they are mostly
chemicals in solution, hmm?  If your tea is blank and stinks, you're
probably in trouble.

When we looked at a "good" tea (excellence was not represented as I am sure
it will be in Tejas:) there was a good deal of life evident.  The
were clear, even for the microscope-challenged.  The scope doesn't lie.

I find it hard to feature such nastiness could happen in a good ACT only 24
hours old.  I'd tend to wonder about beneficial anaerobes in the scheme of
things, as Dennis has.


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