Re: [compost_tea] FIRE

From: Robert Norsen <>
Date: Sun, 3 Oct 2004 16:08:01 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Mike- message from my grandmother 82 years ago - " Don't smoke. You can impress your friends with your daring now and regret your stupidity later." One of many advice where my grandma was right. I have been benefitted by her wisdom when I beleved her. This time I believed her. Her sdvice gave me $50,000 in cash, $250,000 less medical expense, 58,000 hours of useful time, 30 years of excitingly good health. that smoking would have denied me. Thanks grandma.! Bob

For those burns, Mike, spray on Silver Colloid. Instant pain relief with non-scaring heal even on serious burns. Prevents infe ction. Don't bandage. Just keep silver applied until a heal - new skin - is well under way. Avoid all other treatment or applications. There are reports of third degree burns healing without pain, without a scar.
Mike Benton <> wrote:

Greetings all
Today we invited a friend and his lady friend around to learn how to make
pizza's and once we had finshed kneeding the dough I invited him up to my
office for a cigi while the dough proved. My office/workshop is upstairs and
this is where I smoke in the house . When i got upstairs I found the source
of the burning plastic smell. we had smelt earlier .Being a creator and an
inventor rather than a scientist, I had piles of papers and printouts under
my desk,as i am sure many of you do.... Well the flames were knee high and
the smoke was already down to waist or even knee high..... I pulled my Tea
shirt off and used that to cover the highest flames whist shouting for wet
blackets and towels. The long and the short of it is we escaped withy only
damage to a couple of hundred $ of damage and a few blisters on my hands .
OH and who needs hair on their shoulders anyway??? What I did lose however
is many of my downloads and Gary Zimmer ,Neil Kinsey and a few other authers
My point is just this guysPLEASE please if you have found something that you
want to save ,either a book or something off the net then dont leave under
your desk in a pile like I have .Leave it under so one elses desk and
hopefully their house wont go through what we went through today.

Mike Benton
Compost Technologies mobile 0823345371

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Received on Sun Oct 03 2004 - 19:40:47 EDT

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