Re: [compost_tea] Flouride in water question...

From: <>
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2004 04:10:34 EDT

Hi Thomas -

Luckily fluoride de-gases pretty rapidly. And if there is a concern, then
addition of a little organic matter BEFORE using the water would take care of
the problem.

Fluoride is such a reactive molecule that it will complex rapidly with just
about anything. I guess I don't worry about it much, and we don't see much
effect when making compost, or tea.

As long as the water is well-aerated before use.

Of course, I am always open to hearing more evidence that fluoride is having
an effect. We just don't have much evidence of good or bad in soil. No
evidence for a cumulative effect, but that may only be because no one has looked.

I would prefer that fluoride not be put in water, but I don't have enough
money to combat that group of big-money folks. Wish I did, but.....

Elaine R. Ingham
Soil Foodweb Inc., Corvallis, Oregon
Soil Foodweb Inc., Port Jefferson, New York
Soil Foodweb Institute, Lismore Australia
Soil Foodweb Institute Cambridge, New Zealand
Soil Foodweb Inc., Oosterbeck, The Netherlands
Laboratorios de Soil Foodweb, Culiacan, Mexico
Soil Foodweb Inc., Jerome, Idaho
Soil Foodweb Inc., South Africa

Received on Mon Oct 04 2004 - 07:17:39 EDT

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