[compost_tea] last post Flouride in water question...

From: Tom Jaszewski <tom_at_livesoil.com>
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2004 17:44:08 -0700




Fluoride systems in vivo are especially complex. When we add fluoride to a
biological system, that fluoride is transformed into different
fluoride-containing substances, each of which has its own unique chemical,
physical, and biological properties including toxicity. Furthermore,
different factors are responsible for the formation and amount of each
substance. Schatz et al. discussed this complexity of paradoxical effects i=
a 1964 review of the subject.1

Schatz et al. published the only review of paradoxical effects in the sprin=
of 1964.1 Wainwright recognized the importance of paradoxical effects and
commented on our 1964 review in the Mycologist in England in 1994.12 In
October, 1964, Schatz and Martin reviewed the literature on paradoxical
effects of fluoride in vitro and in vivo.13 No one has published a review o=
paradoxical effects since the 1964 review, although many reports of
paradoxical effects have appeared in the literature since then.

What fluoride has in common with low-level radiation14 and low exposures to
pesticides and other toxic chemicals which exhibit paradoxical effects is
that very low doses may be harmful. Consequently, there is no such thing as
a threshold level below which fluoridation is not harmful. In other words,
there is no safe dose.


Received on Mon Oct 04 2004 - 23:51:23 EDT

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