[compost_tea] Re: Phytopathology journal article on compost tea, November 2004

From: Steve Diver <steved_at_ncat.org>
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2004 17:43:10 -0000

Fyi, this article has been copied to the Files Section,
via the following file name:


The journal statement for this paper indicated:

"This article is in the public domain and not
copyrightable.  It may be freely reprinted with
customary crediting of the source. The American
Phytopathological Society, 2004."

Further permission to post this paper to the Files Section
was obtained from APS and the senior author. 

Keep in mind this research was conducted during
the 1998-2003 period.

Also see:

USDA CRIS 303-5358-22000-024-OOD

Also see:

Scheuerell, S., and W. Mahaffee. 2002.  Compost Tea: Principles
and Prospects for Plant Disease Control. Compost Science
and Utilization. 10(4): 313-338.

Best regards,
Steve Diver

--- In compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com, "Steve Diver" <steved@n...> wrote:
> Compost Tea as a Container Medium Drench for Suppressing
> Seedling Damping-Off Caused by Pythium ultimum.
> Steven J. Scheuerell and Walter F. Mahaffee.
> Phytopathology 94:1156-1163.  November 2004.
> Volume 94, Number 11
> http://www.apsnet.org/phyto/
> Abstract:
> Compost tea is being used increasingly in agricultural production
> to control plant diseases. However, there has been limited
> investigation relating disease control efficacy to various compost
> tea production methods, particularly compost tea produced with
> active aeration and additives to increase microbial population
> densities in compost tea. Aerated compost tea (ACT) and nonaerated
> compost tea (NCT), produced with or without additives, was
> investigated for the suppression of damping-off of cucumber
> caused by Pythium ultimum. Compost tea was used to drench
> soilless container medium inoculated with P. ultimum;
> effect on damping-off ranged from not suppressive to
> consistently suppressive depending on the method used to produce
> the tea. The most consistent formulation for damping-off
> suppression was ACT produced with kelp and humic acid additives.
> Producing ACT with a molasses-based additive inconsistently
> suppressed damping-off; evidence suggests that residual nutrients
> can interfere with disease suppression. Heating or diluting compost
> tea negated suppression. Across all compost tea samples, there was
> no significant relationship of bacterial populations, measured as
> active cells, total cells, or CFU, to disease suppression. However,
> for all ACT produced without the molasses-based additive, there
> was a threshold of bacterial population density (6 log(10) active
> cells per ml, 7.48 log(10) total cells per ml, or 7 log(10)
> CFU per ml) above which compost teas were suppressive.

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Received on Wed Oct 20 2004 - 14:31:43 EDT

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