RE: [compost_tea] Re: Phytopathology journal article on compost tea, November 2004

From: Tom Jaszewski <>
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 16:07:02 -0700



Yours are very interesting comments. I would hope this would not go offline=


We've also hade some success with CT in an EPM system with their nutrient
packs and Orner Farms excellent (tested) vermicompost. I believe we had
achieved a measure of consistency. Perhaps due to the volume of consistent
vermin we purchase, and consistent nutrients? I found your comments on
microscopy very interesting and will try the same this week! THANKS for
sharing the work




Tom Jaszewski


-----Original Message-----
From: Titel Ryzhomer []
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 6:53 AM
Subject: [compost_tea] Re: Phytopathology journal article on compost tea,
November 2004


Hi Ted,

We are not consultants and have applied CT to only our own plants.
We are not 100% ready to sell tea or recommend to commercial growers
that this will cure powdery mildew because of the inconsistencies I
have already referred to. There is no chance that there is residual
fungicide or sulphur or anything like that. Our water is drilled
well 6.4pH ; 30 ppm ds. We have also seen powdery mildew return if the
spraying is not done regularly and also see isolated patches.


Received on Thu Oct 21 2004 - 19:48:43 EDT

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