[compost_tea] off topic - health food supplements

From: Robert Norsen <bnbrew_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2004 21:42:46 -0700 (PDT)

The development of chemical agriculture has, we know, reduced the nutritional content of the food provided here in the US and much of the world. We are trying to bring back that healthy food as one objective of compost and compost tea - oganic gardeneing and farming. Of course there are many other objectives of building the Soil food Web. .
To retain health and to supplement the pretty but often poor nutritive quality of the food offered in the typical grocery and to compensate for the processing that further removes nutrient content many of us have resorted to food supplements.
Vitimins, minerals, amino acids, concentrated extracts of foods that have given us wellness, energy, vision, hearing, supported our bodies and minds in good health into an age where our parents were often crippled, dependent, helpless or decessed.
Supplements have so benefited our health and have become such a significant competition with the pharma industry that that industry is attempting to write rules and laws that would destroy our freedom to obtain these supplements and to direct that business their way under penalty of regulations..
They propose laws that would subject to FDA approval all food concentrates and vitimins and minerals, herbs items like Aloe Vera. vitimin C, E B. D. The stuff we have learned to use to sustain good health and an effective immune system. They would forbiid the sale and use of highly effective natural derivatives of food crops to force us to use the patented, high cost health hazardous products offered by the Pharma industry, FDA approved. By making it illegal to manufacture or sell, the FDA cops wold shut down the source.
Long ways off and unlikely? Austrailia is under that rule now. New Zeland against protest of the people, the NZ govenrnent has approved those rules over NZ. Canada Gov. and GB governent has adopted the rules for near future enforcement, against the people.
The FDA has set up rules to make the transition as near automatic as possible.
The European Union has conjured a set of rules called CODEX they will pass on very soon - like in November 04. It is scheduled to reach into the USA by way of the United Nations and the WTO. Organizations we have subscribed to, agreed to support.
This can affect the lives and health of many more of us in a more tragic way than any terrorist activity imaginable. So what can you do about it?
You and as many as you can interest in this problem read and respond to IAHF.COM,
His current project is urgent. If eyesight is important to you this is important. If a strong heart and good circulation is important this is important. If a sharp brain is important to you this is important. If strong bones and painless joints and energetiic muscles are important to you this is important If healthy kids that don't need drugs to behave in school is important, this is important. John Hammell has been labeled on this list as a rabble rouser or worse. Not true. Yes he has written some stuff that sounds bad. Have any of you ever made errors in you lifetime? John is fighting a battle that is important to you and he needs help from you. From me.
Why the compost_tea group? Every group needs to take a stand. Folks of the compost_tea group understand food and that our food needs supplements to be complete.Thank you for giving all of us this help to keep our Health Freedom Bob
Go to and read carefully what John is doing now at IAHF.COM, . .

Received on Sun Oct 24 2004 - 01:10:27 EDT

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