[compost_tea] Re: New Invention

From: Titel Ryzhomer <thegoodjob_at_hotmail.com>
Date: Sat, 06 Nov 2004 22:29:52 -0000


I'm with you on this one. I guess I better tell my worms not to
shit. This is nothing new that I can ascetain. Now do you get the
drift of what I mentioned before concerning patenting naturally
occurring elements and combinations thereof?

BTW how come it took someone from the "Rodale Institute" to convi= nce
you that there were many strains of Powdery Mildew which are plant
specific when I had already told you that? Our teas have now
eliminated the PM outbreak 100% (remission) albeit daily spraying.
You never answered my question; have you used pyrophylitte clay
powder in your recipes?


--- In compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com, "Ted Peterson"
<ted.peterson_at_t...> wrote:
> I'd love to see if this holds up in court.  This would mean that =
Hahn could get a percentage from everyone using worm castings for
anything. He could also sue the manufacturers of worm casting
equipment for patent infringment because they are abetting a user in
a crime.  Finally, he could sue the worms for creating the castings in a kind of tort measure.  In other words, the worms could be
creating an attractive nuisance by making the castings and allowing
anyone to use them.  Anyone who grows worms for a living would have to give him a percentage of their income because the worms they sell
may produce castings that may control fungi and that would be patent
> What a wonderful world we live in.  Out where I live, we have a <= BR> guy in a wheelchair who sues small restaurants and stores for not
having stat-of-the-art wheelchair access.  We have had five coffee shops close down.  In a one month period, he filed 200+ lawsuits. = ;
Most of the businesses settled for $2000 to him for being
inconvenienced.  So in a month, he made a little under $200K.  He=
then moved on to another town.  Some of the businesses are fighting him and some simply closed their doors.  Sounds like this Hahn guy is just such an idiot.
> Ted Peterson
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Tom Jaszewski
>   To: compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com
>   Sent: Saturday, November 06, 2004 10:57 AM
>   Subject: [compost_tea] New Invention
>        ( 1 of 3 )
> ------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------
>         United States Patent <= BR> >        6,797,507
>         Hahn
>        September 28, 2004
> ------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------
>   Methods of using worm castings for fungal control
>   Abstract
>   The present invention describes a material and a method fo= r
controlling fungi. The method consists of disposing a naturally
formed chitinase about an area to be protected. The naturally formed
chitinase is produced from worm castings and the worm castings may
be disposed naturally, in the form of timed-release pellets, or in a
liquid form. The area to be protected includes plants and
structures. The naturally formed chitinase may be disposed about the
base of the plant or structure, or on the leaves of the plant.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------
>         Inventors:
>        Hahn; George E. (205 Liszt A= ve., Cardiff by the Sea, CA
>         Assignee:
>        Hahn; George E. (Cardiff, CA= )
>         Appl. No.:
>        247054
>         Filed:
>        September 20, 2002
>         Current U.S. Class: >        435/252.4; 424/543; 424/93.1=
>         Intern'l Class:
>        C12N 001/00; C12N 001/20; A6= 1K 035/60; A01N 065/00
>         Field of Search:
>        435/243,252.4 424/543,93.1,4= 35
> ------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------
>   References Cited [Referenced By]
>         Other References
>         M. Szczech, "Supp= resiveness of Vermicompost against
Fusarium Wilt of Tomato," J Phytopathology 147.155-161, 1999 Berlin. <= BR> >         Szczech "Suppress= ive Effect of a Commercial Earthworm
Compost on some Root Infecting Pathogens of Cabbage and Tomato,
Biological Agriculture and Horticulture." 1993, vol. 10, pp 47-52, Great Britain.
>   Primary Examiner: Brumback; Brenda
>   Assistant Examiner: Winston; Randall
> ------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------
>   Parent Case Text
> ------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------
>   This application is a continuation-in-part of application = Ser.
No. 09/784,283. filed Feb. 16, 2001 U.S. Pat. No. 6,475,503
entitled "Methods for Using Worm Castings for Insect Repellancy,"=
which claims benefit of 60/187,243 filed Mar. 3, 2000.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------
>   Claims
> ------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------
>   What is claimed is:
>   1. A method of fungal control, the method consisting of disposing an effective amount of worm castings about an area in need
of fungal protection wherein the level of chitinase producing
microorganisms within the worm casting is at least 1 million CFU/gdw
(Colony Forming Units/gram dry weight).
>   2. The method of claim 1 wherein the step of disposing the= worm
castings about an area to be protected includes the step of forming
the chitinase producing microorganisms into timed-release pellets.
>   3. The method of claim 1 wherein the step of disposing the= worm
castings about an area to be protected includes the step of forming
the chitinase producing microorganisms in a liquid.
>   4. The method of claim 1 wherein the area to be protected = is a
plant, the plant having a base and a leaf area, and the step of
disposing the worm castings about the plant includes the step of
disposing the chitinase producing microorganisms on the leaf area of
the plant.
>   5. The method of claim 4 wherein the step of disposing the= worm
castings on the leaf area of the plant includes disposing the worm
castings in liquid form.
>   6. The method of claim 4 wherein the plant additionally in= cludes
a root structure, a drip line, and a feeder root zone between the
drip line and the base of the plant and the step of disposing the
worm castings about the plant includes disposing the worm castings
on the feeder root zone.
>   7. The method of claim 1 wherein the area to be protected = is a
structure, the structure having a base, and the step of disposing
the worm castings about the structure includes the step of disposing
the worm castings on the ground adjacent the base of the structure.
>   8. The method of claim 1 wherein the worm castings are hydroponically disposed about the area to be protected.
>   9. The method of claim 3 wherein the step of disposing the=
naturally formed chitinase about an area to be protected includes
the step of forming the natural chitinase into timed-release
> ------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------
>   Description
> ------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------
>   1. Field of the Invention
>   This invention describes a method of producing a biodegrad= able
insect repellant and fungus fungal control, and more particularly to
a method of using natural chitinase enzyme and the chitinase
producing organisms as an insect repellant and a fungus control.
>   2. Description of the Related Art
>   Worm castings have been known as being very beneficial to =
promote plant growth for more than 100 years but they have not been
know to be effective for insect pest repellency applications.
Research by Ohio State University testing for the recommended
application rate of worm castings for highest growth improvement
recommended a 10%-20% mix. The rule given by Ohio State University
to achieve these percentages was that a 1/2 inch layer worked into
the soil will provide a 10% ratio and a 1-inch layer worked into the
soil will provide a 20% ratio.
>   U.S. Pat. No. 6,245,551 to Suslow describes a method of tr= eating
or protecting plants, fruit and roots from fungal infections
comprising the step of applying an effective amount of an antibiotic-
producing bacillus. Tests performed Suslow showed a systemic
entrance of the chitinase-producing organisms when these were
applied to the soil around the plants. Suslow did not disclose the
use of chitinase as an insect repellant.
>   An article by Linda McGraw, New Plants Put a Hurt on Pests= ,
published Feb. 18, 1999, describes the genetic engineering of
tobacco plants by the injection of artificially produced chitinase.
Plant material then consumed by insects causes the chitin of the
insect to break down, making such insect subject to disease by
microorganisms. The McGraw article did not describe the use of
chitinase as an insect repellent.
>   Using worm castings with a level of chitin degraders above= 1
million cfu/gdw to repel various insects has many advantages. Worm
castings are non-toxic so provide a non-poisonous alternative to
chemical pest treatments. The non-toxic nature of worm castings
means the use should not harm other valuable organisms found in
soil. The fact that worm castings are a natural element found in
healthy soil indicates that harmful side effects should be limited.
The elements found naturally in worm castings, which appear to be
the active elements to repel insects, are living organisms. This
means that the repellency could be provided for a longer time period
unless the organisms are killed from a different source.
>   The present invention deals with using worm castings as an=
insect repellent as a layer on the ground for walking insects,
incorporated into the soil feeding plants for pest insects,
incorporated into the feeding liquid for hydroponic growing, and as
liquid worm castings sprayed onto the leaves of plants for a topical
treatment. The worm castings can be used on soil, turf, or in
hydroponic applications.
>   It was observed that ants refused to cross a layer of worm=
castings. When a layer of worm castings was put around a tree or
bush the reaction of the ants was immediate. Ants in the tree or
bush congregate in an agitated manner just above the border of the
worm castings. Soil that ants will easily cross tested at less than
1 million CFU/gdw (Colony Forming Units/gram dry weight). This
supports that ants can detect and are averse to a level of chitinase
somewhere between 1 and 54 million CFU/gdw. Red fire ants are
particularly averse to an application of worm castings. Testing has
shown that red fire ants will abandon their nests within 24 hours
with a 1/4 inch application over and around the nest mound.
>   Testing was done on many plants to determine if worm casti= ngs
with a level of chitin degraders above 1 million cfu/gdw are able to
change the level of chitinase in the leaves of plants. This
invention describes a method of using worm castings in various
methods to activate the natural insect repellency produced by the
chitinase-producing organisms found naturally in plants. The
concentration of chitinase must be sufficiently high to repel
insects. Testing has shown that the natural level of chitinase found
in most plants is often not sufficient to repel insects. Worm
castings with a level of chitinase producing organsisms, chitin
degraders, can also be used to control fungus problems in the soil
beneath plants. Worm castings are the feces or excrement from the
common red earthworm found in much of the world. The genus of the
red earthworm worm is eisenia foetida. Other genus of the earthworm
also provide worm castings suitable for this invention. Worm
castings are produced as a normal part of the worm life cycle when
worms are fed a diet of various forms of biodegradable materials
such as compost, paper, food waste, and any other degradable organic
material. Worm castings with a level of chitin degraders above 1
million cfu/gdw can be used to increase the level of chitinase to a
repulsion level. Liquid worm castings with a level of chitin
degraders above 1 million cfu/gdw can be used as a foliar spray to
administer a concentration of chitinase topically to the leaves and
stems of plants. Applying this liquid as a foliar spray also
provides beneficial competition for airborne or mechanically
transferred fungus diseases. Beneficial competition means that one
organism eats the other. The "beneficial comes" from the result. =
Liquid worm castings give a temporary repellency effect that can be
effective to keep the insects away until the level of natural
repellency is increased in the nectar of the plant. Liquid worm
castings, with a level of chitin degraders above 1 million cfu/gdw,
provide a competitive layer of organisms that will consume fungus
diseases since the structural component of the fungus diseases are
chitin. Worm castings with a level of chitin degraders above 1
million cfu/gdw can be added to soil to repel walking insects such
as ants and including red fire ants. Worm castings with a level of
chitin degraders above 1 million cfu/gdw can also be added to the
hydroponic feed liquid for plants to increase natural level of
chitinase production and possible other natural element to repel
insects. The addition of these worm castings to hydroponic feeds
provides the beneficial chitin degraders into the hydroponic liquid
to beneficially compete with fungus diseases. An infestation of a
soil fungus provides pathogenic soil mix because the fungus will
lock up nitrogen by consuming or eating it. Too much of the harmful
fungus and the plant will starve. Beneficial competition comes when
the disease or patogenic organisms is eaten by the good organisms.
In the case of nitrogen lockup, once the beneficial organisms eat
the fungus the nitrogen is released. When the worm castings are made
into a tea, it can be sprayed onto the leaves have coverage of 65%
or more, then an airborne fungus has no place to land and attach.
And in the case of the chitin degraders in the worm castings,
anyplace wherein this fungus spore lands, it will be eaten by the
chitin degraders thus stoppiing all propagation of the fungus
>   Mechanical transfer comes when an animal or insect is carr= ying
the fungus spores. If the insect lands on the plant foliage or the
animal brushes against the plant foliage (leaves), the fungus spore
can be transferred to the plant leaf surface. If the plant foliage
has been sparyed with the worm castings tea, with the necessary
level of chitin degraders, then the fungus is eaten.
>   Worm castings contain various organisms that produce enzym= es
known as various forms of chitinase to which insects have a strong
aversion. Worm castings are called by several other names: vermi-
compost, vermi-castings, worm droppings, worm manure and others. All
of these terms refer to the same material.
>   FIG. 1 is a two-dimensional drawing of a tree, showing its=
underground root structure.
>   FIG. 2 is a two-dimensional drawing of a bush, showing its=
underground root structure.
>   FIG. 3 is a cutaway view of a worm bed.
>   FIG. 4 is a cutaway view of a worm bed with worm castings.=
>   FIG. 5 is a cutaway view of the worm castings at harvest t= ime.
>   FIG. 1 depicts a tree 10, having a leaf area 20 and a root=
structure 30. The outer limits of leaf area 20 describe drip line
40, which extends the periphery of tree 10. Extending inwardly from
drip line 40 toward a point over the root structure for a distance a
about the tree is the feeder root zone with worm castings 50
disposed above the feeder root zone. Referring now to FIG. 2, bush
70 has a leaf area 80, a root structure 90, drip line 40, and feeder
root zone comprising the area of the ground below the circumference
of leaf area 80 of diameter b. Research has discovered that one
natural insect repellant is any chitinase enzyme. These chitinase
enzymes are produced by chitin degraders. The exact minimum level of
chitinase for detection and aversion by an insect and for fungus
control has not been definitively determined but has been estimated
by researchers as about 1 million cfu/gdw.
>   Hibiscus leaves that were covered in white fly cocoons wer= e
tested and found to have a level of chitinase producing chitin
degraders at 300,000 CFU/gdw. The white fly infested hibiscus plants
were treated with worm castings. Worm castings with a level of
chitin degraders above 1 million cfu/gdw were applied in a 1/2 inch
layer from the bases, or stems, to drip line 40 (FIG. 2). In about
two months all white fly residue and cocoons were gone. White flies
from neighboring plants, which had not been treated, would fly
around the treated leaves but not land on these leaves. Other
plants, including trees, have been tested to determine if the use of
worm castings is effective to repel spider mites, aphids, bark
beetles, psylids, and other insects. Referring again to FIG. 1, worm
castings 50 in the feeder zone of a plant or tree, effective
repellency has been seen in such plants and tree against various
insects. Spider mites will leave a plant in about two weeks. Aphids
will leave in about six weeks. Bark beetles will leave trees after
several months. The time period for the insects to leave a plant
appears dependent on the size of the plant.
>   Ants leave their nests within 24 hours and do not return f= or
some period of time. The exact length of time for abandonment must
be tested and will no doubt be dependent on other environmental
conditions. Ants will not cross a layer of worm casting 50 for about
two weeks, and then will gingerly begin to cross. If the top layer
of worm casting 50 is raked, then the ants will again refuse to
cross. Using worm castings in all soil areas around a home appeals
to repel the ants for many months. The exact time will need to be
tested and will no doubt be dependent on other environmental
conditions. The repellency effect for pest insects takes a period of
time to begin, once the level of chitinase has been increased to
repellency level, the insects leave the plant.
>   Fungus diseases are controlled by benficial competition us= ing
worm castings with a level of chitin degraders above 1 million
cfu/gdw. This has been shown by field application testing and by
independent lab testing where a wide range of fungus diseases were
tested "in-vitro" in the presence of the worm castings made into = a
liquid tea with a level of chitin degraders above 1 million cfu/gdw.
All of the in vitro tests showed that the fungus diseases were
controlled or consumed by the organisms in the worm castings.
>   The level of the chitinase producing organisms (chitin degraders) for effective repellency and fungus control is in the
range of about 1 million CFU/gdw. Worm castings were tested to
determine the level of the chitinase enzyme producing organisms
(chitin degraders). Tests of worm castings show concentrations of
chitinase producing organisms in the range of 54 million CFU/gdw.
This concentration is over 50 times the estimated level required for
repellency. The chitinase-producing organisms in the worm castings
consisted of five bacteria, four fungi, and five actinomycetes. The
leaves from the treated hibiscus were tested for chitinase four
months after the initial application of worm castings. This test
revealed that the level of chitinase producing organisms had
increased to 670 million CFU/gdw. The chitinase producing organisms
found in the leaves were two bacteria that were not any of the five
found in the worm castings. This indicates that some trigger element
in the worm castings activates multiplication of the organisms that
produce the enzyme chitinase. The time period for effectiveness is
at least six months. As above, the exact time period will need to be
tested and will be dependent on other environmental conditions.
>   The science of worm husbandry is well known. FIGS. 3, 4 an= d 5
depict a worm bed through harvesting of the worm castings. Reference
is made to FIG. 3 where worm bed 100 is disposed on the ground. Worm
castings are produced by feeding worms various forms of waste
biomass. This provides the advantage that worm castings do not
require the consumption of valuable natural resources. The
production instead consumes waste materials. Worm bed 100 comprises
a layer of biomass with earthworms disposed therewithin. FIG. 2
depicts worm bed 100, with worm castings 110 disposed under worm bed
100. The earthworms are fed approximately 4 inches of biomass per
week, and after feeding the worms move to the top of worm castings
110 to defecate, moving back into the biomass to continue feeding.
When the depth of worm castings 110 grows to a depth of 3 feet (FIG.
4), worm bed 110 is removed, leaving the processed worm castings 110
(FIG. 5).
>   Worm castings can be supplied in the natural granular form= ,
pelletized for time release, and liquefied into a worm castings tea.
Liquid worm castings are produced by soaking worm castings in water
for at least 24 hours, leaching the chitinase producing organisms
from the castings, then removing the liquid. Liquid worm castings
are also produced naturally by the worms while feeding. The liquid
can be collected from the bottom of the worm beds. Liquid worm
castings are also referred to as: worm tea, worm castings tea, vermi-
tea, and other similar terms. Liquid worm castings are also produced
in an aerobic worm castings tea brewing process. Liquid worm
castings have been sprayed onto the leaves of plants infested by
various insects. The evidence indicates that this provides a
temporary repellency for a variety of insects. This would be
expected since the liquid worm castings has a level of chitinase
producing organisms similar to the level found in the granular form
of worm castings. These same liquid worm castings have been sprayed
onto plant foliage and have resulted in elimination of a wide range
of fungus diseases. When the worm castings are finely pelletized,
they may be spread, or dusted, on the leaves of plants to affect the
removal of fungus from the leaves.
>   While the present description contain many specificities, = these
should not be construed as limitations on the scope of the
invention, but rather as an exemplification of some preferred
embodiments thereof.
>   * * * * *
>   ·         .
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Received on Sat Nov 06 2004 - 18:18:25 EST

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