[compost_tea] what impact!!

From: bkquinn <bkquinn_at_xtra.co.nz>
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2004 19:59:20 +1300

Hi, New Zealand grassland farmer are this year been encouraged to apply the=
 following for the control of facial eczema,
  a.. what impact will this have on soil fungi?
  b.. what length of time will it last in soil?
  c.. how soon after would a ACT be safe to apply?
any info would be great with reference if possible.

Ingredients for the next spray to prevent the fungus for facial eczema from=
making spores is carbendazin and the wetting agent is organosilicone plus
another organic solvent.

Bill Quinn
New Zealand.

Received on Tue Nov 16 2004 - 20:53:54 EST

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