Re: [compost_tea]

From: T Dodge <>
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2004 10:39:16 -0800
Mr. Crozat
Please consider the microscope method for a basic analysis. If you
cannot afford SFI manual (very valuable investment) and or a scope of
your own, I would suggest  that a local secondary school (science for
14 to 18 year olds in USA) science class "might" have the basic scope
that perhaps could be used for looking, France is full of gardeners,
some of them may be school teachers so try a connection there.
The manual is very well illustrated and that is its purpose to
illustrate what you should and should "NOT" find in AACT. The scope
should meet the following requirements:

"You need a microscope with 4X, 10X, and 40X objective lenses (that 40X
lens is critical), 10X eyepieces (not 15X eyepieces, please.  You may
think more magnification is better, but it is empty magnification,
because it doesn't give the resolution you need.  Confused by that
statement?  Come to the class, ok?  Seeing is understanding in this

You need a microscope with a N.A. 2.5 (or greater) ABBE condenser, with
an iris diaphragm.  ABBE condensers should come with the iris


On Nov 18, 2004, at 1:51 AM, Pierre-Charles Crozat wrote:

> We started making ACT w. a machine that we designed. Since it is
> winter here
> in france we can not test our ACT in "real life". We have the manual
> from
> soil food web so we can juge the ACT according to colour, smell... but
> that
> is not enough for us. We need to have better indicators.
> Does it mean that we have to have it analyzed by a lab? If so we are
> stuck
> because there doesn't seem to be a lab able to do the testing that D
> Ingham
> says is necessary here in France.
> Are there any other ways to assess the quality of our ACT knowing that
> we
> are fairly confident about our technology? Our compost is a
> vermicompost
> that comes from a reputable producer who has given us the products
> analysis
> so we feel quite confident about that as well.
> Thanks
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Received on Sat Nov 20 2004 - 14:14:09 EST

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