[compost_tea] Re: Rock Dust

From: Titel Ryzhomer <thegoodjob_at_hotmail.com>
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2004 03:52:02 -0000


Do not lump me with snail repeller people please. Also stop saying I
have made any claims. I have made no claims. I also never attacked
your tea. I'm getting sick of your ridiculous accusations. You are
the one who got me to post further information when I was making a
simple observation to Steve D. It sure sounds like you are being
whiney. That contributes nothing. Earlier you were accusing me of
being hypersensitive (or to that meaning).

FYI we are promising to reimburse grape growers for losses due to
our proposed trials.

At this point I'm sick to death of this and wish I had kept
everything to myself. If you attribute anything else to me that I
have not said you may end up with a bloody nose. I have taken longer
drives for lesser causes.


--- In compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com, "Ted Peterson"
<ted.peterson_at_t...> wrote:
> I have said many times that there is more I don't know than I do. 
However, it is easy to say CT does so and so without any support. 
If that gets challenged, which it should, all of a sudden the
challenger has a closed mind.  This is so ridiculous.  Yes anything
is possible and it is easy to get misled in this area.  We have
people on this list who swear that CT repels snails and slugs.  I
was perfectly willing to believe that and asked for some proof. 
Then I conducted a whole series of tests based on snails and
reported what I found.  I didn't use slugs so I didn't make claims
about slugs. I found the exact contrary to what was being presented
but I was attacked by everyone including Elaine. 
> Let me state this: If anyone has made CT that can reliably repel
snails on a wide spectrum of crops, they are sitting on one of the
most important discoveries in regards to CT since Elaine's work. 
The person could be an instant millionaire.  Millions of home owners
and commercial growers who spend the 2 to 3 billion they do now on
snail repellants would gladly use a non-toxic, plant beneficial
means to get rid of snails. 
> So, maybe I am close minded.  But wanting to believe something
works is not the same as something working.  That is what belief is:
acceptance when there is no solid proof.
> If you want me to accept this premise, fine.  I just don't know
enough.  I accept the premise.  Titel and the snail repellant people
have found something of which I am totally unaware.  It works just
as they say.  We don't need testing because they say it works that
way and we can just tell everybody that CT works the way they say. 
The only reason it doesn't work for me is because I am a hard-
headed, ignorant disbeliever who doesn't know the first thing about
brewing and applying CT.  All the testing and work I have done is
meaningless because these people do know.  I still have to find
out.  OK?  That should satisfy you. 
> By the way, I suggest that you go to a vinyard and explain that if
CT doesn't eradicate the mildew that you guarantee to pay for the
conventional spraying and that you will cover the crop loss they may
suffer if it doesn't work.  Then go to someone infested with snails
and offer to replace all the plants the snails destroy if the tea
doesn't work. I agree again that there is a lot I don't know but I
have to base the application of CT on my experience.  I experiment
all the time to find out if these things can work.  But the premise
that if it doesn't work it's my error rather than a misapplication
of something that is incapable of solving the problem just doesn't
stand. Sometime things just don't work.
> Folks this is so ridiculous.  If you believe, it doesn't make it
> Ted Peterson

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