Re: [compost_tea] Re: Water voodoo?

From: David Anderson <>
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2004 18:36:59 -0800

I think you are confusing two different things that I was talking about.

When talking about "structured pure water", I could find nothing
credible that supports any sort of claim that other than ice, water
will form any sort of structure other than increibly weak bond that
last for incredibly short periods of time.

I'm not suggesting that something on a macro scale will not work the
same as something on a mole scale. A mole is an incredibly huge amount
of material. I am talking about individual particles. The particles
that hold a charge are molecule or smaller.

What causes the electron to get ripped away from a molecule? And will
the direction that the water is spinning cause that water to have an
electron added instead of pulled away?

Suggesting that stirring the water in different directions will give a
different charge makes as much sense as suggesting that rubbing a
glass rod with wool in one direction will give it a positive charge
and rubbing it in the oposite direction will give it a negative
charge. It simply does not work that way.

My guess is that someone read something about particle spin, snd
somehoe extrapolated that into stirring in different directions.

And this is all ignoring the fact that you will never maintain a
potential of 100kV in a conducting liquid.

While I can accept that some of these actions might have a positive
effect, the explanation is flawed.


On Fri, 10 Dec 2004 01:57:52 -0000, dkemnitz2000 <> wrote:
> --- Dave , Why assume the macro scale forms independent of the micro
> (a mole or less) scale ? Dennis

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Received on Thu Dec 09 2004 - 22:59:31 EST

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