[compost_tea] Re: Water voodoo?

From: Steve Diver <steved_at_ncat.org>
Date: Sat, 11 Dec 2004 20:16:33 -0000

An intriguing allusion to structured water was
presented and suggested where to find more info. 

Several sources were mentioned as key sources,
including a resource list.

A cut-and-paste web address to Biodynamics was
listed, but not easily clickable.  Instead of
figuring out that you have to use your mouse
to edit the web address to get to that very
publication, the come back was the web item is
not working.

The most basic elements of structured water have
never even been discussed or uncovered, even though
key sources have been suggested.  

The thread has gone from a topic that can have
direct bearing and impact on quality of compost
tea to a derogatory term of "water vodoo." There
seems to be a lack of basic web usage and the
ability or interest to do collect and examine
information, instead relying on old school
thinking when the topic is an emerging topic
and requires updated terminology.

Steve Diver

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Received on Sat Dec 11 2004 - 16:30:59 EST

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