Re: [compost_tea] RE: Water AND BD 500 microbe numbers

From: Scott Alexander <>
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2004 07:45:45 +1000
> Scott you said,
> BD 500 has been tested at Elaine's
> > Lismore Lab. and has the highest microbe totals I've ever seen.

MIKE ASKED "Are you able to share details of the test-ie bacterial cf fungal
MIKE - I have some figures from BD500 that was 5 years old when tested.
AB 232, TB unknown, AF 19, TF 688
new batch of BD500
AB 48, TB 2704, AF 33.1, TF 217
Although this is not as good as Alaska Humus (if my memory serves me right),
its not too bad when you consider how BD is made ( new sloppy cow manure
stuffed into cow horns and buried a yard deep for 6 months).
The statement of mine you quoted I realise was wrong. The best test results
I've seen came from compost made WITH THE ADDITION OF BIODYNAMIC
PREPARATIONS.  I buy this compost from the maker and add a kg  to my CT bag
along with 3 other types of compost.
BD 500 is very expensive at $110 per kilo so you wouldn't use it in CT

> I live near an ex biodynamic farm and frankly the results I have seen
> populations pasture growth etc) have not been noteworthy and do nothing
> giving me confidence in the system. I am sure there are benefits from
using the system though.
Biodynamic farming in Australia is a very big industry. Not considered
voodoo by 1000's of farmers using these methods :-) !!!

If Ted has read this far . . .
He writes "It is all eco-babble. Glacier water? Why not next use lunar
Very funny. I obviously didn't  explain things well enough to get my point
across. I shall continue using basalt dust in my teas and my compost heaps
knowing that it will be very beneficial to the microbes in my soil.
Could I humbly suggest that some of you in this group who live in the
Northern Hemisphere take the opportunity during the darkest and most
miserable days of your winter to read up about biodynamics and also
paramagnetism. If a change of thinking and practises comes about I'm sure
your LOCAL microbes will love you for it :-)

Scott Alexander

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Received on Tue Dec 14 2004 - 00:34:23 EST

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