Re: Composting WWTPs and composting (Was Re: [compost_tea] Re: MICROBIOLOGY TESTING of COMPOST TEAS

From: John Cowan <>
Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2004 10:09:19 -0700
Ted Peterson wrote:
The use of biosolids/sludge is, in most cases, far safer than the accepted use of chemical inputs that are certified as "organically" safe.  There are a number of fearmongers who have made good livings out of scaring people with the threat of monsters growing out of their wastes.  Human wastes are no more dangerous than any other monogastric animal's.

Hepatitis virus is a real hazard in handling biosolids. They are also more than just human excrement. Chemicals are often disposed of by pouring down the drain. The accumulation of heavy metals such as copper, zinc and arsenic can be problematic on soils where biosolids are applied. Composting can chelate metals but can't make them disappear.

Sure organic meal fertilizers can have junk in them but I think your generalizations are too broad.


John Cowan

Verde Valley Agri-Lab

Sedona, Arizona



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Received on Sun Dec 26 2004 - 17:41:23 EST

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