Re: [compost_tea] newpaper article

From: Ted Peterson <>
Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2005 15:30:59 -0800

----- Original Message -----
From: butch ragland
Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2005 2:18 PM
Subject: [compost_tea] newpaper article

I found this article while doing a little surfing. Let
me direct you to the paragraph about research. This
makes me about 1/2 sick. This makes the Newspaper? The
reason there is insufficient research is Monsanto or
GE or ADM can't control ACT. Some years ago while on
the board of the Kentucky Nurserymen's Association we
gave money to the University of Kentucky to do nursery
research. They used it for tobacco research, remember
in 70's tobacco was a big deal in Kentucky.

Those of you planning to use ACT for your income need
to budget money to support research or leave it to
fools like this or create a vacuum for the republican
supporters (large multi-national corporations) to get

I find this article completely reasonable. He is suggesting anecdotal evid=
ence needs to be followed up by some type of reliable testing and warns rea=
ders not to be charmed by unsupported statements. I don't think that Monsa=
nto or any other agri-business is suppressing CT. I think more damage is d=
one by people, with good intentions, making extravagent statements that can=
ot be supported in regards to CT.

As has been mentioned several times on this group, there are a lot of varia=
bles. Since the base of CT is compost, the biological diversity from one b=
atch to another is still in question. Also, brewers are not uniform and ev=
en a given brewer can have teas with different levels of biological activit=
y. Sometimes this is weather dependent, water dependent or some other fact=
or other than the compost. In addition, tea can be sprayed for a pest and =
the pest is either controlled or disappears yet the control/disappearance m=
ay have nothing to do with tea. There are umpteen additives in the form of=
 extracts that are added to a brew without that information being passed on=
. Hence, the effects for one person, using the additive, may not ever be d=
uplicated by those not using it yet expecting CT to work the way described.=

Yes, more research is needed. However, if anybody picked up a simple book =
on how to run a field study and use controls when spraying or applying tea,=
 a lot of the resistance could be overcome. In addition, before extravagan=
t claims are made, people should be aware of when they are hyping something=
 or stating what they wish were true rather than what really happens.

It's a romantic feeling, in a way, to be experimenting and be involved with=
 a still-evolving field but there are pitfalls. Before posting or spreadin=
g stories of miraculous cures and outcomes, think back to the guys who "dis=
covered" cold fusion. They had it all solved only to end up with egg on th=
eir faces.

Now, associating this whole mess with Republican or Democrat parties is one=
 way validity goes out the door. There is no monopoly on greed and busines=
s ownership by either party. It isn't a political thing and statements to =
the effect allow people to disregard otherwise worthwhile comments. We nee=
d to fight ignorance on other's part as well as our own. Turning this into=
 a political fight help no one.

By the way, Al Gore's fortune is from his stock in Occidental Petroleum Cor=
p. A Gore family trust also has holdings in Occidental stock. Occidental i=
s also in agri-business and chemicals and . . .

Ted Peterson

Received on Sat Jan 08 2005 - 21:50:34 EST

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