Re: [compost_tea] Baseball

From: butch ragland <>
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2005 15:52:38 -0800 (PST)
Ted, I to coached little league baseball and loved it.
I was determined that the kids would have fun. Our
team cheer when we came out of the dugout was "If you
don't hit it make sure it hits you". Some of the hyper
parents didn't like it but after some 20 years when I
run into these kids, who won their league, they only
talk about how much fun they had. My theory with 10 yr
old's was you swing at every ball thrown period. If
its low hit it like a golf ball, if its high jump up
and swing. When you get on base, steal on the first
pitch period and don't slide, let them make a bad
throw, then steal the next base.

We ran over the league winning games with scores like
18-20 to 1 or 2.

I also taught my sons to shoot b-ball. The oldest was
87% from the free throw line his senior year in
Highschool and youngest was 100%, 20 for 20.

With the ignorant like me, I think more information is
better and its up to us to learn as best we can and
ask questions. I think its up to me to go look up a
term I don't understand or ask questions to fill in
the MANY gaps. If the ignorant like me get overwhelmed
and leave it their loss not the fault of the

--- Ted Peterson <> wrote:

> Folks:
> I coach baseball.  I love the game and love the kids
> who play baseball.  To me it's the best game ever
> invented and if anyone is interested, I can wax
> poetic on why I think so. 

Butch Ragland
Conflict is as addictive as
cocaine, alcohol, cigarettes,etc
I'm sorry to report that
cooperation is not

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