Re: [compost_tea] Truth or Fiction

From: <>
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 04:57:57 EST

I don't think you can call something compost tea if there is no compost
involved in the production of the tea.
Now, if you took diseased plants, and composted them, you would lose the
disease most likely through the thermal process, or through passage through
worms. Thus, the disease should be exited by proper composting.
BUT, you would likely get some of the beneficial bacteria and/or fungi that
were trying to combat the disease in the compost pile.
Still, if the good guy organisms were present and able to combat the
disease, would they not have done so and kept the plant from succumbing, or have
reduced the disease problem?
So, the jury is still out on this one. Scientific studies required. I
didn't say peer-reviewed journal articles, I said scientific studies. Grin!

 It was reported to me that there are those in agricultural circles who use
diseased tomato plants and their detritus to make compost tea; the idea being
that plants grown using their own duff would become resistant to the
Is there any truth to this?
Thank you,


Received on Wed Jan 19 2005 - 06:33:12 EST

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