[compost_tea] Re: active members/research

From: Steve Diver <steved_at_ncat.org>
Date: Thu, 03 Feb 2005 22:23:38 -0000

John D -

Here is the contact information for
Ted Leischner in Vulcan, Alberta. 

T.G.(Ted) Leischner, President
Lab Director & Soil Foodweb Certified Advisor
Soil Foodweb Canada Ltd
Box 915 Bay 1, 285 Service Road
Vulcan, Alberta T0L 2B0 CANADA
403-485-6982 FAX

Keep in mind that on-farm research has been
around for a long time. There are many techniques
and methods. It is a completely valid method of

The sustainable agricultural movement has
taken on-farm research to a new level.

Go to the SARE web page and download their
bulletin...  the USDA program.

How to Conduct Research on Your Farm or Ranch

May I request that you either define, in detail,
what you mean by "hoky poky" research... or
just drop the negative implications, such as
"self serving" and "hoky poky." 

As you note, taking "before" and "after" pictures
is essential for on-farm research.

Best wishes in your work. I was in Saskatchewan in
November and the Canadian organic farming movement
has a lot to offer.  On the other hand, it can also
use a technology boost and adopt additional concepts
and methods.

Best regards,

Steve Diver

--- In compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com, "jurval" <jurval@e...> wrote:
> I am trying to locate Ted Leischner who was setting up a soilfoodweb
> lab in Calgary.   His contact numbers and EM don't work any more.
> I want to do some field trials on organic certified irrigated land
> this summer.   If any of you microbe makers would like to provide
> packaged products we will include them in our test trials.
> If anyone has some suggestions or ideas that ARE NOT SELF SERVING
> would give our trials a better degree of professional research
> we would be very receptive.
> I have come to realize that we desperately need this type of
> actual testing without the hoky, poky. Knowing what works and seeing
> the difference is what growers need.   We hope to take piles of
> as a picture is worth a 1000 words.   "Seeing is believing"
> I'm a farmer and if you can help us out join in.
> Thanks,   Contact me off list  jurval ateidnet.org
> John D

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Received on Thu Feb 03 2005 - 18:55:11 EST

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