[compost_tea] Re: Want to start a new thread? Biology as weed control?

From: dkemnitz2000 <dkemnitz2000_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Fri, 04 Feb 2005 06:45:43 -0000

--- Great idea. I'm in. I used ACT on disced ground two seasons ago
prior to planting winter barley in the fall. I think the ACT kept
the grassy weed seeds from sprouting.  Anyhow where ACT was soil
drenched there was very little if any grassy weeds. This past fall I
soil drenched the entire field before planting winter wheat. Will
evaluate later this spring. Dennis
In compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com, Herb and Merla Barberie
<herbnmerla_at_s...> wrote:
> This discussion made me think of the kind of root system a plant
has and
> its rhizosphere.  I do amateur "research" with non-herbicide
methods of
> weed control.  2004 was an unusually wet year for us here in
> We have a test plot from several years ago that we have handweeded
> year to which we had introduced micro and macronutrients--
Biogenesis I
> and Pepzyme G from Bruce Tainio which was touted as a surefire weed
> control measure.  The weed we were fighting was spotted knapweed
> has a long taproot with supporting roots coming from it.  In this
> it was competing with orchard grass, vetch, some other grasses. 

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Received on Fri Feb 04 2005 - 02:24:43 EST

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