Re: [compost_tea] Re: Inclusion of clay in compost

From: Ted Peterson <>
Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2005 18:37:26 -0800

----- Original Message -----
From: Steve Diver
Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2005 12:48 PM
Subject: [compost_tea] Re: Inclusion of clay in compost

Hi Ted -

For clarity, Luebke compost is a typical windrow
compost that goes through a thermophilic
stage. It is mixed with a compost turner --


Ok. Thanks for the clarification. I wrote them and got back a bunch of inf=
ormation on cold composting which is what I was interested in establishing =
because of the small pile size and lack of need for high temps. Their corre=
spondence to me warned about EPA certification using that method. I just as=
sumed that the method they sent me and I incorporated was the same across t=
he board. I have been doing it for about 1 1/2 years now and have had the =
compost tested for pathogens at our WWTP with ND results. I get these read=
ings even using manures. I haven't taken a class from them or one of the p=
ractitioners but wish I could. I think they have done more research and "d=
evelopment" as far as composting is concerned than anyone else.

Ted Peterson

Received on Sun Feb 06 2005 - 22:44:35 EST

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