[compost_tea] Re: Just a thought . . .

From: Tom Jaszewski <tom_at_livesoil.com>
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 21:08:44 -0000

Actually another list has been formed to stick to the original
purpose of this one. No sales ANY DAY and only discussions based on
solid evidence. Already some serious scientists and thoughtful
researchers and farmers have joined.


It's nor more inappropriate for my to say there are farmers who want
data than for you and others to indicate farmers are not interested
in data. Either stand seems untempered and of little value.

--- In compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com, butch ragland <wilddog_202@y...>
> Tom, don't take this as any disagreement except one.
> As I read this post, this list is not the place for my
> thoughts on sales or even anecdotal results unless
> they want to have those reports scrutinized by those
> more steeped in the scientific method. The list has
> not appeared to me to be closely censored and I assume
> you are not planning to start now. Yet, I think some
> of us should censor ourselves for the sake of staying
> closer to the purpose.
> I do question whether you can speak for what farmers
> want. Some, such as farmers or sales people who want a
> different course should start a list which would not
> have to complete with this list. Unless I have science
> to report then I feel my place should be to ask
> questions of those involved in basic research and who
> feel they have progressed far enough to recommend
> based on that research.
> As interesting as Betsy's cow story was it did not
> reach science and personal attacks surely do not
> qualify.
> If I missed the point let me know?
> --- Tom Jaszewski <tom_at_l...> wrote:
> >
> >
> > "It is the list administrators' intentions to
> > protect the integrety
> > of the science of compost teas and their benefits by
> > promoting
> > science over ancedotal "evidence." "
> >
> > If innuendo is sufficient for some so be it, but
> > don't assume all
> > farmers have disdain for good science.
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com, John R
> > <littlejohnnyr_at_y...> wrote:
> > > I can't help but notice how long a thread will
> > > progress before the concept of
> > peer-review/scientific
> > > credibility etc creeps in then takes over. Usually
> > > three comments at most. I guess it is
> > unsurprising, as
> > > many of the regular contributors rely on the
> > benefits
> > > of ACT for a living.
> > >
> > > However I do wonder just how important this is.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> =====
> Butch Ragland
> Conflict is as addictive as
> cocaine, alcohol, cigarettes,etc
> I'm sorry to report that
> cooperation is not
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