Re: [compost_tea] Flow rate for air pumps

From: <>
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2005 01:07:04 EST

Aerobic versus anaerobic levels have been reasonably well set in the sewage
treatment world, and in the anaerobic bio-film industry.

Just as the absolute threshold for people being able to breath is a range,
depending air pressure and temperature, so is the threshold for aerobic -
anaerobic cut-offs.

If people want to dispute these ranges, why not submit data for suggesting a
different threshold, instead of just trying to make it sound as if no one has
ever investigated what the general threshold actually is.

Nothing is absolute, of course, but aerobic cytochrome systems shut down
around 6 ppm oxygen, while anaerobic metabolic systems begin to operate around
that threshold level.

Read some basic microbiology texts.


Received on Fri Feb 18 2005 - 12:20:33 EST

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