Re: [compost_tea] Re: SFI requirements Please link)

From: Stephen Steyn <>
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2005 20:17:49 +0200

Hi Group;
I find it quite astonishing that some on this group have taken to attacks o=
f a personal nature. I find it equally astonishing that the moderator who h=
as chosen to administer the site, sits back and lets it happen. It upsets m=
e when I read the "hate mail" directed at the most experienced (or at least=
 one of the most experienced) people on the list, namely Dr. E. Ingham.

While this person (or people) are unknown to the majority of us, I would li=
ke to write on behalf of those who find the responses of SFI to be both use=
ful information and interesting background. We would be worse off without h=
er input. If you don't like her style, you don't have to read her postings =

Are we not here to engage in debate, ask questions if we don't know the ans=
wer - even if they have been asked before. It should not be necessary to wr=
ite like this to remind the "hate mailers" of good manners. I guess this is=
 the problem with the internet, all sorts of weirdos with no social skills =
can disrupt communications.

Steve Steyn

Received on Mon Mar 14 2005 - 16:04:07 EST

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