
Re: News Advisory: Still Crazy After Oil These Years!

In article <4t4ovt$fr1@james.freenet.hamilton.on.ca>,
Scott Nudds <af329@james.freenet.hamilton.on.ca> wrote:
>: (Scott Nudds) wrote:
>: >  Very false.  The actions of man have substantially increased the
>: >amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, and rates of emission continue to
>: >increase.

>(Brian Carnell) wrote:
>: What do you consider substantial?

>  On a personal scale, anything over 10%.  

You certainly have that.  I think that most would say that 20+% would 
qualify as "substantial."

>On a more scientific scale,
>any increase that is sufficient to measurably alter the climate or

Hmmm...measurable in what sense?  In the IPCC sense of "we're fairly 
sure that anthropogenic global warming has occurred," or in the IPCC 
sense of "but we can't quantify it at all."  [paraphrased]

[gratuitous .sig deleted]


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