
Re: Human vs. natural influences on the environment

jwas@ix.netcom.com(jw) wrote:
: it just *might* turn out that climate is just approaching a
: situation where positive feedback was present - for a while;

  Warmer oceans can hold less CO2.
  Melted tundra rots and moves more CO2 into the atmosphere.
  More forest fires, more CO2 released into the atmoshpere.
  Higher temperatures, higher demand for air conditioning, more energy
  used, more fossil fuels consumed.

  It would appear that there are a host of positive feedback mechanisms,
many of which are certain.

jwas@ix.netcom.com(jw) wrote:
: We just *might* be moving towards a cliff.
: There is no evidence that we are; and it is improbable,
: but it *might* be true.

  Actually, there is overwhelming evidence that we are.  Fools and
fruitcakes, typically deny what is obvious.

jwas@ix.netcom.com(jw) wrote:
: In these conditions, a nudge
: from our industrial emissions *might* push us towards the cliff.
: Or else - it might push us *away* from it.

  Please provide a mechanism for a negative feedback system that will
more than counter the forcing?

  What does the USGCRP say about this...

USGCRP Report 95-01 May 1995

"The extent of the warming will be affected particularly by the strength
of water vapor and cloud feedback processes, which are major factors in
controlling the natural greenhouse effect and which would be expected to
respond to the radiative changes induced by the changes in
concentrations of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases being
affected by human activities. Feedbacks change the magnitude of the
response, as amplifying or moderating influences, but do not change the
sign of the response."

jwas@ix.netcom.com(jw) wrote:
: Both are equally likely or equally unlikely,
: in the abstract.

  On what do you base this ignorant statement?


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